
This ‘Flat Earth’ April Fools’ Day Joke Wins the Internet

It’s April 1st and that means our social media feeds are full of April Fool’s pranks and jokes. Microsoft had the right idea and banned employees from using April Fool’s jokes on social media. But among the slurry of pranks are a handful of clever and funny April Fool’s. Here’s a quick rundown of the best so far.

Kayak’s “Flat Earth” Flight Route

The Australian branch of travel company Kayak has poked fun at the growing Flat Earth movement. According to in Australia, Kayak turned the world map on its Routes tool into the Flat Earth map. 

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Kayak changed its route tool to display the flat earth map. Source:

Instead of going around the globe, new flight routes navigated the disk earth. Kayak’s Trip Stats feature also changed to include how many times you’d flown around the circumference of flat earth.

This Painfully True Brexit April Fool’s

As the excruciating Brexit process descends into chaos, Travel Money Oz has a new currency solution for the UK: the peuro.

“The UK doesn’t even know what Brexit means, so how are we supposed to predict how it will affect the value of the AUD against the GBP and Euro? We decided to take matters into our own hands and create a whole new currency for you to use while the UK and EU sort themselves out: the peuro.”

For this British writer, it’s painfully close to home!

April FoolsApril Fools

The new peuro note – an April Fool’s joke from TravelMoneyOz

Google Gets Nostalgic

Google is no stranger to a good April Fool’s prank. This year the search engine went retro and brought back the classic Nokia game, Snake. For the next week, users can play Snake on Google Maps.

Google april foolsGoogle april fools

Google users can play the classic Nokia game Snake on Google Maps for one week. Source: Google

Discord Goes Dark

Discord jokingly removed its “light mode” option, plunging the messaging service into permanent darkness.

But it backfired pretty badly. Some Discord users took to the support site to complain while others vented their anger on Twitter. A few hours later, Discord reversed the prank:

Tinder Takes on Lying Men

Tinder launched a controversial “height verification” feature on Friday targeted at men that lie about their age. The tool would give men on the dating platform a verification badge if their height was accurately listed.

In a blog post, Tinder explained:

“It’s come to our attention that most of you 5’10ers out there are actually 5’6. The charade must stop. To require everyone under 6’ to own up to their real height, we’re bringing truthfulness back into the world of online dating.”

Although it was launched last week, most people are claiming it’s all just an elaborate April Fool’s prank.

BBC Tackles Awkward Sex Scenes With Your Parents

The UK’s BBC this morning jokingly launched a “skip the sex” button for its streaming service. Finally you can avoid the awkward sex scenes when you’re watching TV with your parents!

The UK Government Bans April Fool’s Because… Brexit

Brexit is an April Fool all of its own, but The Telegraph is having a little fun among the despair. It reported this morning that the UK government has banned April Fool’s jokes in case they trigger panic among the Brexit chaos.

“British April Fool’s jokes have been banned this year under an archaic parliamentary order, amid warnings the public can no longer tell the difference between reality and farce.”

Quoting a fake cabinet minister Ali Ploorf, The Telegraph claimed:

“Our message to the public is this: if you hear a spine-tingling warning on the radio about Brexit and leaving without a deal, it’s not a joke – it’s Government policy.”