
Social Media FUD Triggers Departure of Ethereum Classic Developer

Another coder from a leading blockchain project is throwing in the towel. This time, it’s Anthony Lusardi, who is resigning from his post as U.S. director of the Ethereum Classic Cooperative. Lusardi is leaving because he “simply cannot deal anymore,” according to his explanation.

It’s the second high-profile developer defection in as many months, with Ethereum’s Afri Schoedon abruptly announcing his departure from the second biggest blockchain project in February. And while Lusardi is leaving the coop, he will remain involved with Ethereum Classic.

He’s blaming an exasperating experience with the crypto community on social media in which he had to double as a communications director.

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He stated:

“My role was highly visible and largely required me to respond and deal with a lot of social media. If something bad happened, people would spread FUD and I’d have to respond. If something good happened, same thing. It felt as if no news was the only good news I’d actually get.”

Source: SFOX on Medium

ETC Coop is designed to “accelerate the growth of Ethereum Classic,” the latter of which was created on the heels of the DAO hack and subsequent hard fork of Ethereum. The developer teams have had their share of differences, but in the end, it was the community that pushed both Lusardi and Schoedon away.

Bob Summerwill, who is the executive director of the ETC Cooperative, told CCN:

“It is very sad to see Anthony go. Being a public face can be very exhausting, and there has been lots of tribalism within crypto. Social media is an amplifier. Cryptocurrencies, in particular, bring money into the mix too.  It can be very tough.”

Summerwill added that for the time being, he and director of developer advocacy Yaz Khoury will be “holding the fort at the ETC Coop.”

The Ethereum Classic Coop will continue supporting Ethereum Classic, and Lusardi says the number of people working and volunteering on the project is increasing. He just didn’t seem to like who he was becoming.

“I simply have noticed that my reactions to things are outsized for what they are and what my personality is. I had thick skin for the last 3 years and recently lost it. That’s what happened and that’s why I can’t do this full time.”

Lusardi says he won’t go far and will continue contributing to Ethereum Classic as well as Bitcoin. He will explore other roles within crypto. As for Schoedon, he appears to be keeping a low profile since quitting Ethereum after a tweet that he crafted as a joke got taken too far.

ETC Price Lags

Lusardi’s departure is a blow the ETC Coop considering he has been with Ethereum Classic since the beginning, first as a volunteer and later getting hired full time. That type of commitment is something that is inherent with blockchain developers but even they have their limits.

Adding insult to injury for Ethereum Classic, the ETC price has taken a beating in 2019, shedding 15% while bitcoin is up about 5% year-to-date.


Losing Lusardi is a tough lesson for the crypto community and one whose importance is vital if the blockchain builders will be able to continue doing what they do best — “buidling” and not putting out fires.